La pesquería del perico es la segunda pesquería artesanal más importante del Perú, representa el 43% de las capturas mundiales de este recurso y genera más de 40 mil empleos a lo largo de la cadena productiva (extracción, transporte, procesamiento y comercialización).

Seventy-nine percent of its exports goes to the United States, which demands products from sustainable sources.

Learn more about this species

The mahi mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) is an opportunistic top predator, with a wide range distribution and high fertility. It has a rapid cycle of growth and maturity, lives at temperatures between 21-30 °C and is considered a migratory species. It can be found in tropical and subtropical waters in the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans.

Learn more about its market

El perico genera aproximadamente 109 millones de dólares anuales en exportaciones, siendo Estados Unidos su principal mercado, el cual, al igual que los otros mercados extranjeros alrededor del mundo están demandando que sus productos vengan de pesquerías sostenibles y legales, incluyendo al perico peruano. Actualmente buscan elegir productos que cuenten con la certificación MSC o se encuentren en un FIP.

Mahi Mahi Fishery


tons of average landings, 2011-2020 (PRODUCE, 2020)




embarcaciones aprox. (Procesos de formalización
SIFORPA II y Cooperativas Pesqueras)

It represents


of landings worldwide (FAO, 2020) (PRODUCE, 2020)


Fisheries Management Regulation (ROP) for mahi mahi

(Supreme Decree #017-2021-PRODUCE)

In July 2021, the mahi mahi ROP was approved in order to establish regulations for the fisheries management and resource conservation. Among its main provisions, this resource was declared as fully exploited, establishing a Total Allowable Catch (TAC) for each season. Furthermore, it set out conditions for both conservation and protection of bycatch species, on-board scientific observation, and strengthening of its traceability.

Minimum Catch Size

(RM N° 249 -2011-PRODUCE)

In September 2011, the minimum catch size for mahi mahi was established in 70cm length. Moreover, it was set a maximum tolerance of 10% for the number of specimens captured below the minimum size. Consequently, extraction, reception, transport, processing and trade of mahi mahi below the minimum size was forbidden.

Closed season

(RM N° 245-2014 PRODUCE)

In July 2014, the mahi mahi closed season was established, which goes from May 1st to September 30th of each year. Fishing permits are only granted between October 1st and April 30th of each year.